"Learning that takes place in schools or school-like environments (formal education) or in the world at large; the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a society. In developing cultures there is often little formal education; children learn from their environment and activities, the adults around them act as teachers. In more complex societies, where there is more knowledge to be passed on, a more selective and efficient means of transmission — the school and teacher — becomes necessary. The content of formal education, its duration, and who receives it have varied widely from culture to culture and age to age, as has the philosophy of education. Some philosophers (e.g., John Locke) have seen individuals as blank slates onto which knowledge can be written. Others (e.g., Jean-Jacques Rousseau) have seen the innate human state as desirable in itself and therefore to be tampered with as little as possible, a view often taken in alternative education. See also behaviorism; John Dewey; elementary education; higher education; kindergarten; lyceum movement; progressive education; public school; special education; teaching. "
a.-Environment(noun):cercanía, medio ambiente
b.-Knowledge(noun):conocimiento,erudición,ciencia, saber,instrucción, noticia. destreza, inteligencia, pericia.
la idea principal del texto: habla sobre la forma como en las sociedades avanzadas se transmite el conocimiento de una cultura a otra y cómo lo describe la filosofía de la educación, haciendo énfasis en los aportes de algunos filósofos.
Categorías Lexicales:
A.- Article: the, a
B.-Noun: School, education, John Dewey
C.-Adjetive: Efficient, little, special
D.- prepossition: of, at, in, onto
E.- conjuntion: or, and
F.- prefijo:innate, becomes
G.-sufijo:widely, teacher,elementary, behaviorism
H.-cognados : falsos(often, pudiera ser entendido como oferta; content, pudiera ser entendido como contento, alegre; means, pudiera ser entendido como mente ;
verdaderos: efficient; philosophy; special
seleccionar 4 oraciones e indicar (igual que la tarea anterior)
In developing cultures there is often little formal education
frase nominal: In developing cultures
nucleo de la frase nominal: cultures
frase verbal: there is often little formal education
nucleo verbal: is (to be) presente simple
posmodificador nucleo:developing
Some philosophers (e.g., John Locke) have seen individuals as blank slates onto which knowledge can be written.
frase nominal:Some philosophers (e.g., John Locke)
nucleo de la frase nominal: philosophers
frase verbal:have seen individuals as blank slates onto which knowledge can be written.
nucleo verbal: have seen (presente perfecto, verbo to see)
premodificador de la frase nominal: some
children learn from their environment and activities
frase nominal: Children
nucleo frase nominal: children
frase verbal: learn from their environment and activities
nucleo frase verbal: learn (to learn) presente simple
the adults around them act as teachers
frase nominal: the adults around them
nucleo frase nominal: adults
postmodificador frase nominal: around them
frase verbal: act as teachers
nucleo frase verbal: act (to act) presente simple
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