His novel, Emile: or, On Education, which he considered his most important work, is a seminal treatise on the education of the whole person for citizenship. His sentimental novel, Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse, was of great importance to the development of pre-romanticism[1] and romanticism in fiction.[2] Rousseau's autobiographical writings: his Confessions, which initiated the modern autobiography, and his Reveries of a Solitary Walker were among the pre-eminent examples of the late 18th-century movement known as the "Age of Sensibility", featuring an increasing focus on subjectivity and introspection that has characterized the modern age.
Rousseau also made important contributions to music as a theorist. During the period of the French Revolution, Rousseau was the most popular of the philosophes among members of the Jacobin Club. He was interred as a national hero in the Panthéon in Paris, in 1794, 16 years after his death."
Texto extraído de: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Rousseau consultada el 27 de Agosto de 2010
Responda las siguientes preguntas:
1.- Cúando nació Juan Jacobo Rouseau?: El 28 de Junio de 1712.
2.- Cúando murió?: El 2 de Julio de 1778, a la eda de 66 años.
3.-¿ Dónde se encuentran sus restos? En el Panteón de París donde fueron llevados allí 16 años después de su muerte, con un héroe nacional.
4.- Cúales fueron sus aportes? : Su filosofía política influenció la Revolución Francesa así como la Americana, de igual forma marcó pauta en el desarrollo general del pensamiento moderno en aspectos políticos, sociológicos y educativos.
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